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Pursuant to the creation of the College of Science by the Board of Regents in its962nd meeting on 26 October 1983, there is hereby established the College of Science Library (CSLIB) under U.P. Administrative Order No. 62 (series of 1987). Thru the initiative of its first dean, Dr. Roger Posadas, the library was inaugurated on 24 June 1987 and from then on, the library perform its function in assisting the college in its basic functions of instruction, research and extension services.

CS library facadeFrom 1987 to 1994, the CSLIB operated as a traditional library with a collection composed mainly of print materials transferred from the Science Section of the U.P. Main Library and the National Science Research Institute. For access to information, it made use of the card catalog and printed abstracts and indexes. Interlibrary loan was limited to libraries within the University of the Philippines System and among neighboring university libraries.

In 1992, it became the lead institution of the DOST-ESEP Library Network headed by its former Head Librarian, Mrs. Lourdes T. David. This marked the beginning of its automation project by acquiring a library integrated software called "TINLIB". In 1993, it acquired a grant from UNESCO that supports further the library's modernization infrastructure projects. Until recently, the library celebrated its 25th year anniversary by acquiring a more spacious building from the old CSLAB converted to CSLIB. The renovation is part of the library improvement program which aims to provide additional facilities and services to its patrons. Moreover, the library now extends it's services by establishing institute libraries as user needs become increasingly diverse. This unique set-up will eventually help address the personalization and customization of services to meet the individual working requirements.

Vision and Mission

The College of Science Library aims to be a center of excellence for science information. It believes that information is a resource that will enable the College faculty, staff and students to become globally competitive. It strives to create a climate scholarship and service in support of the teaching, extension and research activities of the College of Science, in particular and those of other members of the scientific community in the country, in general. As the premier science library for the academic community, it also reaches out to all who are in need of science information.

Furthermore, it provides a learning environment that is linked to other educational institutions and other information resources throughout the world, thereby allowing for a dynamic interaction among students and faculty, and the integration of technology into the acquistion of knowledge and skills.


To support and facilitate the academic and professional growth of the College of Science faculty, staff and students, the country's science community and the industry by providing a connected and dynamic library environment through the use of ICT.


The objectives of the College of Science Library are focused towards the attainment of its mission, vision and goal. These objectives are to provide the users with the best possible information support by:

1. Strengthening the collection of resource materials in the sciences;

2. Creating, acquiring and managing E-Resources to facilitate easy and convenient use of relevant scholarly information;

3. Improving the users’ services by creating a user data that will be used as a tool in the assessment and evaluation of users’ needs;

4. Ensuring that the library provides the best possible support for research and teaching by encouraging more interaction and collaboration with the students and faculty;

5. Aligning the library’s collection services and activities with the university’s priorities; and

6. Enhancing the capability of our satellite libraries to support the institute’s program of research.


In addition, the library would like to:

1. Link up with other institutions for purposes of resource sharing (referral services, interlibrary loan agreements, and document delivery services);

2. Provide consultancy services and training (seminars, hands-on, and on-the job programs) to other librarians who are starting to automate their libraries;

3. Develop appropriate user education and training packages; and

4. Conduct research and publish their findings